This blog was born out of a desire to celebrate. To celebrate grace. To celebrate life. To celebrate faith, hope and love. And all the little things in between…
To celebrate stories
I guess, to a large extent, the desire was fuelled by my research into my family history. Sadly, I never knew either of my grandfathers, as both died before my time here began. And although I may have looked through photographs with my grandmothers as a youngster, the need to understand their stories, their history, was just not there, and now, neither are they. And so it is that I felt the need to share discoveries about my family, past and present, with my family. I mean me doing a little happy dance when I unearth a new treasure is one thing, but sharing is caring, right? And my extended family doing a little happy dance with me wherever they may be around the world? Well, now that’s a rocking party of epic proportions!
To celebrate life and grace and purpose
While I’ve barely scratched the surface, my family history obsession hobby has already taught me volumes. I have learnt a renewed appreciation for the miracle of my existence. Down through the ages, through generations upon generations, I am alive today. And in that lesson, I hear the words of King David from Psalm 139: “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”[1. Ps. 139:16b NIV] Wow! Similarly, I have been reminded that our time here is precious, that it cannot be taken for granted, and that it is for a reason. Mordecai exhorts Queen Esther: “And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”[2. Esther 4:14b NIV], but then I find branches in our family tree ending with the death of toddler, and I wonder why. But Aslan speaks to me even as he speaks to Shasta: “I am telling you your story, not hers. I tell no one any story but his own.”[3. C.S. Lewis, “The Horse and His Boy,” in The Chronicles of Narnia (Great Britain: Collins, 1998), 281.] And I am blown away by grace reaching down through millennia to entwine itself into my story, giving me a hope and a future.
To celebrate blessing
It seems fitting that I’m listening to Thankful[4. David Foster, Carol Bayer Sager, Richard Page, Thankful (Fozbeats Music (BMI) administered by Peermusic Ltd. (BMI), 2007).] as I write this. There is indeed so much to be thankful for, and I know that I need to be reminded of this, yet I’m blessed in so many ways on a daily basis. I am grateful for coffee (and I’m sure my colleagues are, too – what I would be like in the mornings without it, I shudder to think!), for chocolate, for my home, for my bed, for my happy lights (more about them another time, perhaps!), for totally awesome parents, for my job, for the hope I have by the grace of God… The list is endless.
To exercise
Finally, I have always enjoyed writing, although often find myself frustrated at the time it takes to put my thoughts into words. But the way to improve a skill is to exercise it, right? So, there we go – another motive for embarking on this adventure!
I can’t tell you where it’s headed, but I can tell you there is much to celebrate. So join me on the journey and let’s see where it leads…